We are excited to announce that our own Christopher Chung has accepted a position with NYU Langone’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit as a Registered Nurse. Chris graduated in 2015 from New Jersey City University with an accelerated B.S. in Nursing. He originally joined the NYSIM team as a full time Simulation Facilitator in June 2012, and continued with us per session during his nursing program.

Chris relayed this message to the NYSIM community:
“It is very difficult to express the amount of gratitude that I feel for each of you for this accomplishment. NYSIM has been such a comprehensive part of my journey into nursing. Indeed, it is impossible to distinguish between my working at NYSIM and my nursing development. I have drawn so much from my experience working with each of you and will undoubtedly continue to draw wisdom and inspiration in the future.”

On behalf of all NYSIM staff, we would like to wish Chris the best of luck for the next step in what promises to be an illustrious and fulfilling career.

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New Equipment: SimMan 3G Leslie

NYSIM is pleased to announce the addition of a fourth SimMan 3G patient simulator to the impressive arsenal of high tech adult and child manikins available for your simulation programs. SimMan 3G is designed to deliver the most realistic training possible, whilst remaining simple to operate. Practi-tioners and students can perform a range of bedside and emergency procedures on these simulated patients, such as assessment and vital signs, history and physical examination, patient monitoring, defibrillation, synchronized electrical cardioversion, oral and nasal intubation, nasogastric tube insertion, intravenous catheter insertion, urinary catheter insertion, and other specialized procedures. With a wealth of innovative features including automatic drug recognition, light sensitive pupils, and bodily fluid excretion, SimMan 3G offers countless ways to achieve your simulation’s objectives.

For an overview of the equipment offered at NYSIM, please visit our website at https://nysimcenter.org/equipment.

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Quisque sollicitudin ante vel nulla bibendum varius. Praesent lobortis felis erat, id sagittis quam mollis ac. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer at tellus bibendum, consequat turpis ultricies, facilisis lectus. Mauris iaculis quam dolor, id commodo lacus viverra eget. Nulla porttitor est placerat lacinia placerat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

NYSIM Fellows Mary Ellen Sheldon and Silvana Pimentel co-chaired the Symposium for Fellows in Healthcare Simulation on April 11, 2016 at NYSIM. Over forty fellows, fellowship directors and others attended the one day symposium. The attendees traveled from all points in the US, as well as from New Zealand, Lebanon and Brazil. The distinguished plenary speakers were Dr. Chad Epps, President for the Socie-ty for Simulation in Healthcare and Associate Professor and Associate Director of Office of Interprofessional Simulation, University of Ala-bama, Dr. David Gaba, Associate Dean for Immersive & Simulation based Learning, Professor of Anesthesia, Stanford University, Ms. Bon-nie Driggers CEO, SimHealth group, Professor Emeritus Oregon Health & Sciences University and our own Dr. Thomas Riles, Executive Di-rector NYSIM, Associate Dean for Medical Education & Technology.

A panel of former fellows shared their thoughts and ideas about how their fellowship impacted them and their current positions. Ten fellows presented original research and capstone projects including such topics as central line training, in-situ simulations, ECMO manage-ment utilizing simulation, and assessing tracheostomy skills. The day concluded with a networking cocktail reception where fellows, direc-tors and staff where able to have more in-depth discussions surrounding simulation. The evaluations were overwhelmingly positive. We hope to see you next year in the Spring of 2017!

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Quisque sollicitudin ante vel nulla bibendum varius. Praesent lobortis felis erat, id sagittis quam mollis ac. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer at tellus bibendum, consequat turpis ultricies, facilisis lectus. Mauris iaculis quam dolor, id commodo lacus viverra eget. Nulla porttitor est placerat lacinia placerat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Farewell Dr. MaryLeigh Moore

Dr. MaryLeigh Moore spent four weeks at NYSIM as part of her Research and Study Leave in order to ex-plore and compare the use of simulation in undergraduate medical education in the United States and New Zealand.

At the University of Otago – Christchurch (UOC), Dr. Moore is the Director of the UOC Simulation Centre, as well as the Clinical Skills Director and Clinical Skills vertical module convenor. Her academic interests cover two main areas: simulation-based medical education to develop clinical and professional skills, and medical law and ethics. We would like to thank Dr. Moore for her contributions during her time at NYSIM.

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Quisque sollicitudin ante vel nulla bibendum varius. Praesent lobortis felis erat, id sagittis quam mollis ac. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer at tellus bibendum, consequat turpis ultricies, facilisis lectus. Mauris iaculis quam dolor, id commodo lacus viverra eget. Nulla porttitor est placerat lacinia placerat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Our own Dr. Veronica Learner was elected as the Vice Chair for the Society for Simulation in Healthcare OB/GYN Special Interest Group. Her term of service will start January 1, 2016 and end December 31, 2017. We are excited to have a growing simulation leadership presence in the international society. Speaking on her new role, Dr. Lerner said, “I have been in the ‘trenches’ of all aspects in simulation, and now I am hoping to take it to the next level and to facilitate collaboration, coordination, innovation and growth in our simulation community at SSH.”

Congratulations Dr. Learner!

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Quisque sollicitudin ante vel nulla bibendum varius. Praesent lobortis felis erat, id sagittis quam mollis ac. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer at tellus bibendum, consequat turpis ultricies, facilisis lectus. Mauris iaculis quam dolor, id commodo lacus viverra eget. Nulla porttitor est placerat lacinia placerat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

NYSIM IT Announcements: Website Refresh

We are happy to announce the refresh of our website: https://nysimcenter.org. The new design enhances the user experience to be more intuitive and user friendly. You will continue to have access to:

  • Program/Tour reservations
  • Symposiums/courses registration
  • SimulationIQ Login

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Quisque sollicitudin ante vel nulla bibendum varius. Praesent lobortis felis erat, id sagittis quam mollis ac. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer at tellus bibendum, consequat turpis ultricies, facilisis lectus. Mauris iaculis quam dolor, id commodo lacus viverra eget. Nulla porttitor est placerat lacinia placerat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

In recognition of sustained and significant service to Society for Simulation in Healthcare. (www.SSiH.org) Dr. Demian Szyld was appointed to the Board of Directors for a three-year term. Demian continues to be active in the Affiliations Subcommittee, the External and Strategic Relations Committee, and the Accreditation Program. Along with NYSIM Nursing Director, Grace Ng, he chairs the new Formal Training (Fellowship, Masters, and Certificates Affinity Group). SSH is the largest simulation-based education and training society with more than 3000 members and sponsors an annual interprofessional meeting, the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare.

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Quisque sollicitudin ante vel nulla bibendum varius. Praesent lobortis felis erat, id sagittis quam mollis ac. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer at tellus bibendum, consequat turpis ultricies, facilisis lectus. Mauris iaculis quam dolor, id commodo lacus viverra eget. Nulla porttitor est placerat lacinia placerat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
