NYSIM Fellowship Update

Kristen Uquillas, MD, completed her Simulation & Education Fellowship at NYSIM on June 18, 2015. During her year at NYSIM she worked on many projects such as co-facilitating the inaugural Symposium for Fellows in Healthcare Simulation with Halley Ruppel and was the course director for the NYSIM Medical Procedures for Residency program on multiple occasions. She made significant contributions to the NYU School of Medicine by designing and piloting a simulation session that will be incorporated into the OB/GYN clerkship curriculum this year. Under Veronica Lerner, MD, she imple-mented a successful in-situ simulation program on the labor floor at Bellevue. She has moved to Los Angeles where she will be the Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellow for the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology for the Univ of Southern California Medical Center. NYSIM thanks Kristen for her amazing work and dedication throughout the year; you will be missed.

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Hot Off the Press!

E-Learning with virtual teammates: A novel approach to interprofessional education. Djukic M, Adams J, Fulmer T, Szyld D, Lee S, Oh SY, Triola M. J Interprof Care. 2015 Jun 29:1-7. *Epub ahead of print+ PMID: 26120894 *PubMed - as supplied by publisher+

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Drager GT5400 Neonatal Ambulance Isolette

The GT5400 incorporates high performance components that are essential for the care of a neonate, including an incubator, ventilator, monitor, infusion pumps, all support equipment and more. This equipment was provided to us by Draeger and is available for use in your simulations.

  • System meets global standards
  • Real-time monitoring – provides continuous surveillance
  • Seamless mechanical connectivity and compatibility with one system for helicopter, airplane, or land ambulance
  • Flexible ventilation supports breathing, while an active humidity system reduces risk of lung injury

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On April 7th- April 10th, NYSIM hosted the Simulation as a Teaching Tool faculty development course. This is the 3rd year that we’ve held this international and interprofessional course - 21 participants from Brazil, Ecuador, and the US joined us in this fully interactive course. Participants from medicine, nursing, and mid-wifery were immersed together in small group prac-tice, large group discussions, role plays, and full scale simulations over four days. Feedback from the partici-pants were overwhelmingly positive. We look forward to hosting this course again in 2016, and hope to see you there!

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NYSIM Fellows Kristen Uquillas and Halley Ruppel co-chaired the Symposium for Fellows in Healthcare Simulation on May 4, 2015 at NYSIM. Over 30 fellows and fellowship directors attended the one day symposium. The sympo-sium provided the opportunity for fellows and fellowship directors to network, share research and capstone pro-jects, and learn about career development in simulation education. Four plenary speakers presented on diverse topics relevant to healthcare simulation fellows. Maria Shiau, MD, presented on promotion and teaching portfoli-os; Barbara DeVoe, DNP, presented on interprofessional learning in simulation; Adam Levine, MD, presented on the role of mentorship in simulation career development; and Rami Ahmed, MD, presented research on the char-acteristics of medical simulation fellowships in North America. Thirteen fellows presented original research and capstone projects, ranging in topics from in-situ simulation to resident remediation and interprofessional learning. The symposium also included a panel of fellowship directors, who discussed the key ele-ments, function and future of simulation fellowships. The symposium concluded with an off-site networking recep-tion. Participant feedback was positive and we are hoping to host this as an annual event.

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During the EMS Today Conference and Exhibition held in Baltimore, MD, Feb 25 – Mar 1, 2015, FDNY Paramedics and CUNY EMT and Para-medic adjunct faculty members Randy Li , David Cadogan, and Kevin Ramdayal, along with teammate Joe Hudak won the annual JEMS Games Competition bringing the gold medal back home to NYC. They topped twenty three other participating teams from around the US and the world with teams from Boca Raton, Fl and Cumberland Coun-ty, NC, placing second and third respectively.

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Quisque sollicitudin ante vel nulla bibendum varius. Praesent lobortis felis erat, id sagittis quam mollis ac. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer at tellus bibendum, consequat turpis ultricies, facilisis lectus. Mauris iaculis quam dolor, id commodo lacus viverra eget. Nulla porttitor est placerat lacinia placerat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

NYSIM is pleased to announce that Dr. Dena Goffman will be leading a workshop entitled “Collaborative Teams: Optimizing Patient Care and Outcomes” as well as a grand rounds entitled “Fostering Obstetric Simulation & Safety Initiatives Through Collaboration” on Tuesday March 31, 2015 at NYSIM. Dena Goffman, MD, FACOG, is currently an Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology & Women’s Health at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Director of Maternal Safety & Simulation at Montefiore Medical Center. She has a strong interest in improving pa-tient safety and quality in obstetrics. Much of her work focuses on the use of simulation, team training and imple-mentation of evidence based guidelines to achieve this goal. Although her clinical background is in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Dr. Goffman’s workshop and grand rounds will be widely applicable to other disciplines as she has participants think critically about implementation of new team training initiatives or augmentation of existing pro-grams as well the role of simulation to help achieve common patient safety goals and objectives.

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Quisque sollicitudin ante vel nulla bibendum varius. Praesent lobortis felis erat, id sagittis quam mollis ac. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer at tellus bibendum, consequat turpis ultricies, facilisis lectus. Mauris iaculis quam dolor, id commodo lacus viverra eget. Nulla porttitor est placerat lacinia placerat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
